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cómo hacer referencia a php en el ejemplo de código html

Posteriormente a investigar con expertos en el tema, programadores de varias áreas y maestros hemos dado con la respuesta al problema y la compartimos en esta publicación.

Ejemplo 1: php en html

Basic PHP Syntax
A PHP script can be placed anywhere in the document.

A PHP script starts with and ends with ?>:

// PHP code goes here?>
The default file extension for PHP files is ".php".

A PHP file normally contains HTML tags, and some PHP scripting code.
DOCTYPEhtml><html><body><h1>Php in htmlh1>echo"Hello World!";?>body>html>

Ejemplo 2: cómo vincular html con php

/* PHP code can be easily injected into a standard HTML page. As a rule,
 * files with mixed content of that kind have .phtml extention. The workflow
 * is the same as for pure .php scripts: one should setup web-server to 
 * handle .phtml files the same way it handles .php - .phtml should be passed
 * to PHP engine, and the outcome gotta be sent to a visitor. PHP will parse
 * the .phtml and process everything inside tags [..]?>, ignoring the
 * rest. I.e. the php code pieces in .phtml will be replaced in outcome with
 * results of their processing, and HTML / CSS / JavaScript code in .phtml, 
 * as well as text content, will be displayed in browser as is. The one and
 * only strict rule - your .phtml mixes must always start with PHP tag 
 * sequence ?>, otherwise they won't be preprocessed by PHP engine.

 * @category Template
 * @packageHello_World
 */$tpl='Hello %s!';?>doctypehtml><htmllang="en"><head><title>printf($tpl,'World');?>title><style>bodytext-align: center;style>head><body><h1>printf($tpl,'world of '.date('Y').', the wonderful future world');?>h1>body>html>

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