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cómo hacer piedra, papel, tijeras en código Python, ejemplo

Ya no tienes que investigar más por internet porque has llegado al espacio necesario, poseemos la solución que quieres encontrar sin complicaciones.

Ejemplo 1: piedra de pitón, papel, tijeras

import random

game_list =['Rock','Paper','Scissors']
computer = c =0
command = p =0print("Score: Computer"+str(c)+" Player "+str(p))# the loop
run =Truewhile run:
    computer_choice = random.choice(game_list)
    command =input("Rock, Paper, Scissors or Quit: ")if command == computer_choice:print("Tie")elif command =='Rock':if computer_choice =='Scissors':print("Player won!")
            p +=1else:print("Computer won!")
            c +=1elif command =='Paper':if command =='Rock':print("Player won!")
            p +=1else:print("Computer won!")
            c +=1elif command =='Scissors':if computer_choice =='Paper':print("Player won!")
            p +=1else:print("Computer won!")
            c +=1elif command =='Quit':breakelse:print("Wrong command! ")print("Player: "+ command)print("Computer: "+ computer_choice)print("")print("Score: Computer "+str(c)+" Player "+str(p))print("")

Ejemplo 2: código python para piedra, papel, tijeras

from random import randint
t =["Rock","Paper","Scissors"]
computer = t[randint(0,2)]print("My Rock, Paper and Scissor Game!!")
C=0while C<5:

    player =input("What's your move?  :")if player == computer:print("Tie!")print(score)elif player =="Rock":if computer =="Paper":print("You lose!", computer,"covers", player)
            score=score -1print(score)else:print("You win!", player,"smashes", computer)
            score = score +1print(score)elif player =="Paper":if computer =="Scissors":print("You lose!", computer,"cut", player)
            score = score -1print(score)else:print("You win!", player,"covers", computer)
            score = score +1print(score)elif player =="Scissors":if computer =="Rock":print("You lose...", computer,"smashes", player)
            score = score -1print(score)else:print("You win!", player,"cut", computer)
            score = score +1print(score)else:print("That's not a valid play. Check your spelling!")
    C = C +1print('Your final score is: '+str(score))

Ejemplo 3: piedra de pitón, papel, tijeras

from random import randint
userA =input("Rock(R), Paper(P) or Scissors(S)")
comp =["R","P","S"]
compA = comp[randint(0,2)]if userA == compA:print("Draw")elif userA =="R"and compA =="P":print("You Lose")elif userA =="R"and compA =="S":print("You Win")elif userA =="S"and compA =="P":print("You Win")elif userA =="S"and compA =="R":print("You Lose")elif userA =="P"and compA =="R":print("You Win")elif userA =="P"and compA =="S":print("You Lose")else:print("ERROR")

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