Esta es la solución más exacta que encomtrarás dar, sin embargo estúdiala pausadamente y valora si se adapta a tu trabajo.
Ejemplo: envío de correo electrónico de codeigniter 3 smtp
CodeIgniter Email Configuration
We need to have a central place where we can manage the email settings. CodeIgniter does not come with a config file for emails so we will have to create one ourselves.
Create a file email.php in the directory application/config
Add the following code to email.php
defined('BASEPATH')ORexit('No direct script access allowed');$config=array('protocol'=>'smtp',// 'mail', 'sendmail', or 'smtp''smtp_host'=>'','smtp_port'=>465,'smtp_user'=>'[email protected]','smtp_pass'=>'12345!','smtp_crypto'=>'ssl',//can be 'ssl' or 'tls' for example'mailtype'=>'text',//plaintext 'text' mails or 'html''smtp_timeout'=>'4',//in seconds'charset'=>'iso-8859-1','wordwrap'=>TRUE);?>
'protocol' => 'smtp', specifies the protocol that you want to use when sending email. This could be Gmail smtp settings or smtp settings from your host
'smtp_host' => '',specifies the smtp host. For example, if you want to use Gmail then you would have something like
'smtp_port' => 465, an open port on the specified smtp host that has been configured for smtp mail
'smtp_user' => '[email protected]', the email address that will be used as the sender when sending emails. This should be a valid email address that exists on the server
'smtp_pass' => '12345!', the password to the specified smtp user email
'smtp_crypto' => 'ssl', specifies the encryption method to be used i.e. ssl, tls etc.
'email type' => 'text', sets the mail type to be used. This can be either plain text or HTML depending on your needs.
'smtp_timeout' => '4', specifies the time in seconds that should elapse when trying to connect to the host before a timeout exception is thrown.
'charset' => 'iso-8859-1', defines the character set to be used when sending emails.
'wordwrap' => TRUE is set to TRUE then word-wrap is enabled. If it is set to FALSE, then word-wrap is not enabled
$this->load->config('email');$this->load->library('email');$from=$this->config->item('smtp_user');$to=$this->input->post('to');$subject=$this->input->post('subject');$message=$this->input->post('message');$this->email->set_newline("rn");$this->email->from($from);$this->email->to($to);$this->email->subject($subject);$this->email->message($message);if($this->email->send())echo'Your Email has successfully been sent.';elseshow_error($this->email->print_debugger());?>
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