Ejemplo 1: cómo enviar correo electrónico con php
var Name = $_POST('name');
// grabbing the data from the form when posted
// make sure to add name="name" or name="email"
// in the input tag to grab the the specific elements
// data example <textarea name="message"> or
// <input type="number name="number">
var Email = $_POST('email');
var Number = $_POST('number');
$to_email = 'Your E-mail';
$subject = 'The Subject of the message';
$message = 'Name'.$name. "email" .$email. "number:" .$number.".";
$headers = 'From: noreply @ company . com'; //optional
Ejemplo 2: enviar correo usando la función de correo php en localhost usando el servidor xampp
sendmail_from = [email protected].com
sendmail_path = ""C:xamppsendmailsendmail.exe" -t"
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