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Ejemplo: error de índice en Python
# main.pyimport datetime
from import Book
from gw_utility.logging import Logging
defmain():try:# Create list and populate with Books.
books =list()
books.append(Book("Shadow of a Dark Queen","Raymond E. Feist",497,,1,1)))
books.append(Book("Rise of a Merchant Prince","Raymond E. Feist",479,,5,1)))
books.append(Book("Rage of a Demon King","Raymond E. Feist",436,,4,1)))# Output Books in list, with and without index.
Logging.line_separator('Books w/ index')
log_list(books,True)# Output list element outside bounds.
Logging.log(f'books[len(books)]: books[len(books)]')except IndexError as error:# Output expected IndexErrors.
Logging.log_exception(error)except Exception as exception:# Output unexpected Exceptions.
Logging.log_exception(exception,False)deflog_list(collection, include_index=False):"""Logs the each element in collection to the console.
:param collection: Collection to be iterated and output.
:param include_index: Determines if index is also output.
:return: None
"""try:# Iterate by converting to enumeration.for index, item inenumerate(collection):if include_index:
Logging.log(f'collection[index]: item')else:
Logging.log(item)except IndexError as error:# Output expected IndexErrors.
Logging.log_exception(error)except Exception as exception:# Output unexpected Exceptions.
Logging.log_exception(exception,False)if __name__ =="__main__":
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