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Ejemplo 1: cómo hacer scroll en selenium
Selenium does not have a method for scrolling
but there are some ways to scroll:#1 ->=moveToElement= coming from Actions class
will scroll down and up to given web element
#2 Using JSExecutor: We can inject JavaScript
code in our Java+Selenium code using JSExecutor
which helps us scroll up, down, left, right.
We need to create instance of JS executor,
then cast our driver type of it.==================================================
syntax is=
JavaScriptExecutor js =(JavaScriptExecutor) Driver.getDriver();
js.executeScript("in here we need to pass js code that scrolls");
js.executeScript("arguments[0].scrollIntoView(true);", WebElement);
Ejemplo 2: desplazamiento de selenio al elemento C#
public void ScrollTo(int xPosition =0,int yPosition =0)
var js = String.Format("window.scrollTo(0, 1)", xPosition, yPosition);
public IWebElement ScrollToView(By selector)
var element = WebDriver.FindElement(selector);
ScrollToView(element);return element;
public void ScrollToView(IWebElement element)if(element.Location.Y >200)
ScrollTo(0, element.Location.Y -100);// Make sure element isin the view but below the top navigation pane
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