Te sugerimos que pruebes esta solución en un ambiente controlado antes de pasarlo a producción, un saludo.
Ejemplo 1: cómo definir la función en python
defexample():#This defines itprint("Example.")#This is the defined commands
example()#And this is the commands being run
Ejemplo 2: qué es el método en python
It's a function which is a member of a class:
Ejemplo 3: cómo agregar una función en python
#How to add a function in python#Functiondefnew_function():#Tells python to define a functionprint("Hello World!")#Here is where we put what the function should do#Calling a function
new_function()#Calling a function allows us to use the function at a specific time in our code
Ejemplo 4: métodos en python
#Objects can also contain methods. Methods in objects are functions that belong to the object.#Let us create a method in the Person class:classPerson:def__init__(self, name, age):
self.name = name
self.age = age
defmyfunc(self):# This is a methodprint("Hello my name is "+ self.name)
p1 = Person("John",36)
Ejemplo 5: cómo usar def en python
deffunctionName(variable)://function content
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