Ejemplo 1: python string indexación
str='codegrepper'# str[start:end:step]#by default: start = 0, end = len(str), step = 1print(str[:])#codegrepperprint(str[::])#codegrepperprint(str[5:])#repperprint(str[:8])#codegrepprint(str[::2])#cdgeprprint(str[2:8])#degrepprint(str[2:8:2])#dge#step < 0 : reverseprint(str[::-1])#reppergedocprint(str[::-3])#rpgo# str[start:end:-1] means start from the end, go backward and stop at startprint(str[8:3:-1])#pperg
Ejemplo 2: rebanada de python string
name ="dx4iot"print(name[0:])#output: dx4iotprint(name[0:3])#output: dx4#==== reverse a string ====#print(name[::-1])#output: toi4xdprint(name[0:6:2])#output: d4oprint(name[-4:-1])#output: 4io
Ejemplo 3: obtenga una porción de string en pitón
string ="something"slice= string[0:3]# will be "som"slice= string[0:-3]# will be "someth"slice= string[3:]# will be "thing"slice= string[:3]# same as first sliceslice= string[::2]# will be "smtig" -- it goes 2 step each time
Ejemplo 4: python string rebanar
my_string ="Hey, This is a sample text"print(my_string[2:])#prints y, This is a sample textprint(my_string[2:7])#prints y, Th excluding the last indexprint(my_string[2::2])#prints y hsi apetxprint(my_string[::-1])#reverses the string => txet elpmas a si sihT ,yeH
Ejemplo 5: cómo cortar un string en pitón
a ='hello'print(a[1:2])
Ejemplo 6: Python – Slicing Strings
b ="Hello, World!"print(b[2:5])
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