Andrés, parte de este gran equipo de trabajo, nos hizo el favor de redactar esta crónica porque conoce a la perfección este tema.
Ejemplo 1: agregar python a la ruta de Windows 10
To add Python to the Windows Path, follow these steps:1. Start the Run box and enter sysdm.cpl
2. In the System Properties window go to the Advanced tab and
click the Environment Variables button
3. In the System variable window, find the Path variable and
click Edit
4. Position your cursor at the end of the Variable value line
and add the path to the python.exe file, preceeded with
the semicolon character (;)
Ejemplo 2: agregue python a la ruta
# On linux
$ which python;# Get Path of the executable
$ export PATH=$PATH:PATH_PYTHON;# but it isn't continue# ----------------------
$ which python;# Get Path of the executable
export PATH=$PATH:PATH_PYTHON;# add in your ~/.bashrc or your ~/.zshrc
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