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cómo calcular el precio total en el ejemplo de código php

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Ejemplo 1: cómo actualizar la cantidad para calcular el precio total a partir del precio en php

$pro_id=$_COOKIE['product_id'];$pro_id=explode(',',$pro_id);$qua=1;foreach($pro_idas$val)$ans="SELECT * FROM wm_products WHERE pro_id='$val'";$result=$conn->query($ans);while($row=$result->fetch_assoc())?><trclass="cart_item"><td><ahref="single-product.html"><imgsrc="products_images/echo$row['pro_img'];?>"alt=""width="180"height="180">a>td><td><ahref="single-product.html">echo$row['pro_name'];?>a>td><td><spanclass="amount">Rs. echo$row['pro_price'];?>span>td><td><divclass="quantity buttons_added"><formaction=""method="post"><inputtype="submit"class="minus"name="minus"value="-"><inputtype="text"size="4"class="input-text qty text"title="Qty"value="echo$qua;?>"name=""max="29"min="0"step="1"><inputtype="submit"class="plus"name="plus"value="+">form>div>td><td><spanclass="amount">Rs. echonumber_format($row['pro_price']*$qua);?>span>td><td><aclass="remove remove_cart"href="#"dataid="echo$row['pro_id'];?>">×a>td>tr>?>

Ejemplo 2: cómo calcular la cantidad y el precio en php

1   doctypehtml>
2   <htmllang="en">
3   <head>
4      <metacharset="utf-8">
5      <title>Product Cost Calculator
6      <styletype="text/css">7         .numberfont-weight: bold;8style>
9   head>
10  <body>
11  // Script 4.2 - handle_calc.php12/* This script takes values from
    calculator.html and performs
13  total cost and monthly payment
    calculations. */1415// Address error handling, if you want.1617// Get the values from the $_POST array:18$price=$_POST['price'];19$quantity=$_POST['quantity'];20$discount=$_POST['discount'];21$tax=$_POST['tax'];22$shipping=$_POST['shipping'];23$payments=$_POST['payments'];2425// Calculate the total:26$total=$price*$quantity;27$total=$total+$shipping;28$total=$total-$discount;2930// Determine the tax rate:31$taxrate=$tax/100;32$taxrate=$taxrate+1;3334// Factor in the tax rate:35$total=$total*$taxrate;3637// Calculate the monthly payments:38$monthly=$total/$payments;3940// Print out the results:41print"

You have selected to purchase:
42 $quantity widget(s) at
43 $$price price each plus a
44 $$shipping shipping cost and a
45 $tax percent tax rate.
46 After your $$discount discount, the total cost is 47 $$total.
48 Divided over $payments monthly payments, that would be $$monthly each.

51 body> 52 html>

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