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cómo abrir la terminal en el ejemplo de código atom

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Ejemplo 1: cómo instalar terminal en atom

Installing terminal package on Atom

Step 1: Click on Edit on the top left of the Atom IDE.
Step 2: Once you clicked edit, you will receive multiple options, click Preferences.(it brings you to settings)
(also step2, you can also press Ctrl and comma simultaneously and it will also bring you to settings)
Step 3: Click on Install and type "platformio-ide-terminal" in the search bar in Install Packages.
Step 4: Once, you have found it, click the install button and be patient.
Step 5: Once it is done, you will see a plus sign at the bottom left of your screen, click it and you will have the terminal for Atom.

Ejemplo 2: cómo abrir un archivo con atom desde la terminal

if you just do atom within the directory it will open it.

Ejemplo 3: cómo ejecutar un programa en atom

how to run program in atom

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