La guía paso a paso o código que hallarás en este post es la resolución más sencilla y efectiva que encontramos a tus dudas o dilema.
Ejemplo 1: obtener el nombre del servicio de Windows cmd
sc queryex type=service state= all | find /i "keyword"
Ejemplo 2: comando de búsqueda del servicio de Windows
Note: You need to run the command prompt asan administrator,notjust logged inasthe administrator, but also with administrative rights. If you get errors above about not having the necessary access rights to stop and/or delete the service, run the command prompt asan administrator. You can dothisby searching for the command prompt on your start menu and then right-clicking and selecting "Run as administrator". Note to PowerShell users: sc isaliased to set-content. So sc delete service will actually create a file called delete with the content service. To dothisin Powershell, use sc.exe delete service instead
If you need to find the short service name of a service, use the following command to generate a text file containing a list of services andtheir statuses:
SC QUERY state= all >"C:Service List.txt"
For a more concise list, execute this command:
SC QUERY state= all | FIND "_NAME"
The short service name will be listed just above the display name, like this:
DISPLAY_NAME: My Special Service
And thus to delete that service:
SC STOP MyService
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