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Ejemplo 1: código javascript de cifrado caesar
constcaesar=(text, shift)=>returnString.fromCharCode(...text.split('').map(char=>((char.charCodeAt()-97+ shift)%26)+97),);;
Ejemplo 2: JavaScript de cifrado de Caesars
var myCipher =[];var myArray =[];for(i=0; i < str.length; i++)// convert character - or don't if it's a punctuation mark. Ignore spaces.if(str.charCodeAt(i)>64&& str.charCodeAt(i)<78)
myArray.push(String.fromCharCode(str.charCodeAt(i)+13));elseif(str.charCodeAt(i)>77&& str.charCodeAt(i)<91)
myArray.push(String.fromCharCode(77-(90- str.charCodeAt(i))));elseif(str.charCodeAt(i)>32&& str.charCodeAt(i)<65)
myArray.push(str.charAt(i));// push word onto array when encountering a space or reaching the end of the stringif(str.charCodeAt(i)==32)
myArray.length=0;if(i ==(str.length-1))
myCipher.push(myArray.join(''));return myCipher.join(" ");}
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