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chk si la celda contiene cierto texto ejemplo de código de hoja de google

Ejemplo: hojas de Google Cómo comprobar si una celda contiene una subcadena

# Basic syntax using REGEXMATCH():
=REGEXMATCH(Cell#, "substring")

# Where REGEXMATCH returns TRUE if the substring is found in the Cell, 
	otherwise it returns FALSE
# Note, add =IF(above_or_below_expressions, 1, 0) if you want a numerical
	TRUE/FALSE output

# Basic syntax using ISNUMBER(SEARCH()):
=ISNUMBER(SEARCH("substring", cell#, [starting_at]))

# Where:
#	- SEARCH returns the position number of the first character in the 
#		first match, if found and ISNUMBER returns TRUE if search returns 
#		a number
# 	- substring is the substring that we're looking for
# 	- cell# is the cell containing the text that we're searching
# 		for substrings 
# 	- [starting_at] is optional and is the character number at which to
		start the search

# Note, SEARCH is not case sensitive
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