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cargar más datos en el botón haga clic en laravel usando el ejemplo de código ajax

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Ejemplo: laravel cargar más botón ajax

With @Shan help, i found the problem.First i fixed my js in the footer on this one:<script type="text/javascript">var pageNumber =2;$(document).ready(function()
                type :'GET',
                    pageNumber +=1;if(data.length==0)else$('#grid').append(data.html);,error:function(data),));$(window).scroll(function()if($(window).scrollTop()+$(window).height()>=$(document).height())
                type :'GET',
                    pageNumber +=1;if(data.length==0)else$('#grid').append(data.html);,error:function(data),));functionloadMoreData()
                type :'GET',
                    pageNumber +=1;if(data.length==0)// :( no more articleselse$('#grid').append(data.html);,error:function(data),)</script>And then i put fixed controller also into

 publicfunctionindex(Request $request)
        $posts =Post::orderBy('created_at','desc')->paginate(8);//$posts = Post::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->limit(8)->get();
        $categories =Category::all();if($request->ajax())
           $view =view('posts.load',compact('posts','categories'))->render();returnresponse()->json(['html'=>$view]);returnview('posts.display',compact('categories','posts'));The credits goes to @Shan,in the comment who helped me to solve this.

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