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Ejemplo 1: binario a decimal en c
#include #include intconvert(longlong n);intmain()longlong n;printf("Enter a binary number: ");scanf("%lld",&n);printf("%lld in binary = %d in decimal", n,convert(n));return0;intconvert(longlong n)int dec =0, i =0, rem;while(n !=0)
rem = n %10;
n /=10;
dec += rem *pow(2, i);++i;return dec;
Ejemplo 2: dos bytes para int c
// bytes_to_int_example.cpp// Output: port = 514// I am assuming that the bytes the bytes need to be treated as 0-255 and combined MSB -> LSB// This creates a macro in your code that does the conversion and can be tweaked as necessary#definebytes_to_u16(MSB,LSB)(((unsignedint)((unsignedchar) MSB))&255)<<8|(((unsignedchar) LSB)&255)// Note: #define statements do not typically have semi-colons#include intmain()char buf[2];// Fill buf with example numbers
buf[0]=2;// (Least significant byte)
buf[1]=2;// (Most significant byte)// If endian is other way around swap bytes!unsignedint port=bytes_to_u16(buf[1],buf[0]);printf("port = %u n",port);return0;
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