Nuestro grupo especializado despúes de días de trabajo y de recopilar de información, obtuvimos la respuesta, esperamos que te sea de gran utilidad en tu trabajo.
Ejemplo: C++ cómo guardar datos sobre un objeto
#include #include classSomethingpublic:int weight;int size;// Insertion operatorfriend std::ostream&operator<<(std::ostream& os,const Something& s)// write out individual members of s with an end of line between each one
os << s.weight <<'n';
os << s.size;return os;// Extraction operatorfriend std::istream&operator>>(std::istream& is, Something& s)// read in individual members of s
is >> s.weight >> s.size;return is;;intmain()
Something s1;
Something s2;
s1.weight =4;
s1.size =9;
std::ofstream ofs("saved.txt");
ofs << s1;// store the object to file
std::ifstream ifs("saved.txt");// read the object back inif(ifs >> s2)// read was successful therefore s2 is valid
std::cout << s2 <<'n';// print s2 to consolereturn0;
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