SELECT FLOOR(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(timestamp)/(15 * 60)) AS timekey
FROM table
GROUP BY timekey;
Pruebe esto, agrupación de registros de intervalo de 15 minutos, puede cambiar 15 * 60 al intervalo en segundos que necesita
SELECT sec_to_time(time_to_sec(datefield)- time_to_sec(datefield)%(15*60)) as intervals from tablename
group by intervals
Adaptación del enfoque 1) a continuación:
select Round(date_format(date, "%i") / (15*60)) AS interval
from table
group by interval
Adaptación del enfoque 3) a continuación:
SELECT Round(Convert(substring(date_column, 14, 2), UNSIGNED) / (15*60)) AS interval /* e.g. 2009-01-04 12:20:00 */
FROM table
GROUP BY interval;
Algunos enfoques que he encontrado aquí:
select date_format(date, "%W") AS `Day of the week`, sum(cost)
from daily_cost
group by `Day of the week`
order by date_format(date, "%w")
select count(*) as 'count',
date_format(min(added_on), '%Y-%M-%d') as 'week commencing',
date_format(added_on, '%Y%u') as 'week'
from system
where added_on >= '2007-05-16'
group by week
order by 3 desc;
SELECT substring(postdate, 1,10) AS dd, COUNT(id) FROM MyTable GROUP BY dd;
(También aquí:
EDITAR: Todas las soluciones funcionarán mal en una mesa con una gran cantidad de registros.
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