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Ejemplo 1: lee el string entonces determina si el string es un palíndromo.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;// Iterative function to check if given string is a palindrome or not
bool isPalindrome(string str)int low =0;int high = str.length()-1;while(low < high)// if mismatch happensif(str[low]!= str[high])returnfalse;
string str ="XYXYX";if(isPalindrome(str))
cout <<"Palindrome";else
cout <<"Not Palindrome";return0;
Ejemplo 2: lee el string entonces determina si el string es un palíndromo.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;// Recursive function to check if str[low..high] is a palindrome or not
bool isPalindrome(string str,int low,int high)// base caseif(low >= high)returntrue;// return false if mismatch happensif(str[low]!= str[high])returnfalse;// move to next the pairreturnisPalindrome(str, low +1, high -1);intmain()
string str ="XYBYBYX";int len = str.length();if(isPalindrome(str,0, len -1))
cout <<"Palindrome";else
cout <<"Not Palindrome";return0;
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