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Ejemplo 1: tome n como entrada y verifique cuáles son el número de Armstrong usando una función en el rango de 1 a n en python
num =370# Changed num variable to string, # and calculated the length (number of digits)
order =len(str(num))# initialize sumsum=0# find the sum of the cube of each digit
temp = num
while temp >0:
digit = temp %10sum+= digit ** order
temp //=10# display the resultif num ==sum:print(num,"is an Armstrong number")else:print(num,"is not an Armstrong number")#Output-- 370 is an Armstrong number
Ejemplo 2: número de armstrong en python
# Program to check Armstrong numbers in a certain interval
lower =100
upper =2000for num inrange(lower, upper +1):# order of number
order =len(str(num))# initialize sumsum=0
temp = num
while temp >0:
digit = temp %10sum+= digit ** order
temp //=10if num ==sum:print(num)
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